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Festive markets

And so the Christmas market season comes to an end.

I'm very happy with my performance at the two markets I got to sell at this year. I was especially nervous because I had new merchandise. I just invested in tea towels, ceramic coasters and made my own DIY packs to create felt creatures.

It's funny that you can never really predict popular items as a shop owner. Unfortunately I had wrongly assumed that some items were gonna do far better than others. But that's life, and that's the only way I can learn as an owner.

As an introvert doing two days of stalls back to back, was kind of a lot. I love speaking to all the visitors! But it does drain me mentally. I think that that really is a point for me to grow at. I could be a better stall holder by being more charismatic and engaging. But for now I'm trying my best.

Thank you to all the new customers who came by!

Lots of love, Izzy

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